Shopify Pool Tips – Len's Feed Shed

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Pool Tips

Pool Tips!

 Here are some tips to keeping your pool in clean, clear and healthy for your family.


  1. Check cell is clean, use 1 part acid to 10 parts water to remove white residue.  Do not soak for more than 10 mins.
  2. Check cell is operating properly.  Bubbling should be highly visible.  Check fuse & terminals are clean and tight.
  3. Check chlorine output dial or setting.  Should be running at 80-90% capacity. Do not leave running of full capacity
  4. Check timer is running for minimum 8 hours per day, split into 2 blocks.  Self cleaning cells, check changeover time and set blocks to twice the changeover time.  White build up on cells indicates it is not cleaning properly.
  5. Check filter needs backwashing.  If pressure gauge is > 80-100 backwash filter.  Normal pressure should be 40-60
  6. Check the 4 way flow valve has been set back to "filter"
  7. Check skimmer basket and pump basket are clear from leaves etc.
  8. Check vacuum hoses for leaks.  Air entering the system may cause the pump to lose prime.
  9. Have your water checked regularly, and in particular after rain, topping up or big weekends and school holidays.