Hay and chaff

Lucerne Hay
Good quality lucerne hay contains more protein and energy than grass or cereal hays and chaffs. Lucerne also contains high concentrations of calcium and magnesium, and when fresh, the vitamins A and E. Lucerne is typically low in phosphorous and depending on where it was grown, contains varying concentrations of other micro and macro minerals. The protein in lucerne hay is of high quality and contains appreciable amounts of the essential amino acid lysine.If your horse does not gets lots of excercise, feed a shedded or 2nd grade Lucerne or a mixture of Grass Hay and Lucerne. Too much protien and lack of exercise can cause nervous behaviour and fizzyness.
Buy Lucerne Hay Now

Fine Cut/ Reclaimer Rhodes Hay
Our hay supplier grows a variety called Reclaimer and/or Fine Cut Rhodes, which was specifically bred for hay production. It is grown in rich soils with good rainfall, and supplemented with fertiliser and irrigation. They need to adhere to strict policies to ensure you get hay without weeds or other grasses, and each crop is tested for quality. With their unique drying process, these bales have low moisture and do not go mouldy. These guys are the professionals when it comes to hay so you get the benefit of the best quality available.Buy Premium Fine Cut Rhodes Square Bales Now

Premium Fine Cut/ Reclaimer Rhodes Round Bale
Our hay supplier grows a variety called Reclaimer and/or Fine Cut Rhodes, which was specifically bred for hay production. It is grown in rich soils with good rainfall, and supplemented with fertiliser and irrigation. They need to adhere to strict policies to ensure you get hay without weeds or other grasses, and each crop is tested for quality. With their unique drying process, these bales have low moisture and do not go mouldy. These guys are the professionals when it comes to hay so you get the benefit of the best quality available.
Buy Premium Fine Cut/ Reclaimer Rhodes Round Bale Now

2nd Grade Round Bales
Not all Rhodes grass is created equal. The most common available in North Queensland is 2nd Grade Round Bales, which is fast growing and thickens up very quickly, so the hay farmer gets more bales to the acre and this hay is usually used on cattle stations for cows that can digest this thick hay. There is also quite a lot of hay around that is not fertilised and only rain irrigated so you end up with a very poor quality product. Usually this hay is dry, brown and stalky and cheap.Buy 2nd Grade Round Bales Now
Lucerne Chaff
Chaff is produced by chopping up the hay into smaller pieces. This make it easier for feed it set quantities, good for mixing other products with and less mess than traditional hay bales. It is also easier to digest than hay so it is great for young ones and older horses. Now there is chaff and there is chaff. A common practice is to use the old hay that has not sold and turn it into chaff. You end up with a staulky, dusty chaff with quite a brown colour to it. The best way to make the best chaff is to use the best quality hay that has been stored for 2 weeks, then cut it with a steam cutter. This reduces the dust and holds the moisture contest, you end up with a very clean green fresh smelling chaff with heaps of leaf content. Sprenger's are the experts at this process and consistently deliver a better product than any other company.Buy Sprengers Lucerne Chaff Now

Mixed Chaff or Maintenance Chaff
This is a mixture of 50% Lucerne Chaff and 50% Oaten or Wheaten Chaff with a light drizzle of molasses. Other form are known as Blended Chaff, 50 / 50, Shandy Chaff or Triple Mix. This is an excellent product that saves you having to buy and store 2 bages at a time. It keeps your shed clear and stock is always fresh. Again Sprenger's has the best practices with this product, we have found others Suppliers to use poor quality ingredients and tend to reduce the Lucerne content to save dollars.Buy Sprengers Mixed Chaff Now

Oaten Chaff
These products are great forms of fibre and roughage and added to Lucerne to reduce the effects of too much protien. These chaffs also aid greatly in the moving of sand from the stomach. Again Sprenger's has the best practices with this product, we have found others Suppliers to use poor quality ingredients to save dollars.Buy Sprengers Oaten Chaff Now

Wheaten Chaff
Wheaten Chaffs are great forms of fibre and roughage and added to Lucerne to reduce the effects of too much protien. These chaffs also aid greatly in the moving of sand from the stomach. Again the best chaff is produced when these are stream cut with quality hay. Warrick Sprengers are the market leadrs for chaffBuy Sprengers Wheaten Chaff Now