Chicken coops, pens and nesting boxes
We are currently doing special orders for chicken coops so can sell you absolutely everything you need to get started with your very own chickens. We have a variety of options available so you are sure to find something that suits your needs.

Chicken Coop/Pen Colourbond
The Absco Chicken Coops feature an all steel construction which facilitates easy cleaning and is more hygienic for your animals. The wider mesh panels also allow for better viewing and air flow within the coop. It is manufactured to withstand up to wind rating W33 winds and is proudly manufactured in Australia.
Chicken Coop is 1.8m High X 1.52m Wide X 0.78m Deep
They are available in Pale Eucalypt (Pictured) or Zincalume
Buy the Chicken Coop here

Chicken coop/pen Zincalume Budget
The Absco Chicken Coops feature an all steel construction which facilitates easy cleaning and is more hygienic for your animals. The wider mesh panels also allow for better viewing and air flow within the coop. It is manufactured to withstand up to wind rating W33 winds and is proudly manufactured in Australia.
Chicken Coop is 1.8m High X 1.52m Wide X 0.78m Deep
The coop is available in either Zincalume (pictured) or Pale Eucalypt
Buy the Zincalume Chicken Coop here

Chicken coop/pen Colourbond Deluxe
The Absco Chicken Coops feature an all steel construction which facilitates easy cleaning and is more hygienic for your animals. The wider mesh panels also allow for better viewing and air flow within the coop. It is manufactured to withstand up to wind rating W33 winds and is proudly manufactured in Australia.
Chicken Coop is 1.52mW x 1.48mW x 1.80mH
Buy the Chicken Coop here

Chook Pen Packs
We have 3 different Chook Pen Packs which includes absolutely everything you need to get started with your own chickens.
Each pack contains
* 1x Chook Pen (sizes below)
* 4 x Point of Lay Hens
* 1 x 25kg Tropical Course Laying Mash
* 1 x 6.5L Chicken Waterer
* 1 x 5Kg Chicken Feeder
* 1 x Briefcase Wood Shavings
* 1 x Double Nesting Box
Standard Pack (most popular)
Colourbond 1.8m(H) x 1.5M(W) x .8M(D)
(Total value of $725.70)
You pay only $597 - savings $128.70
Deluxe Pack
Colourbond 1.8m(H) x 1.5M(W) x 1.5M(D)
(Total value of $854.70)
You pay only $727 - savings $127.70
Budget Pack
Zincalume 1.8m(H) x 1.5M(W) x .8M(D)
(Total value of $653.70)
You pay only $527 - savings $126.70
Chickens are herd animals and rarely survive alone. Buy more than 1 chicken at a time.
Purchase a Chook Pen Pack Here
Nesting / Laying Boxes
Nesting/ Laying Boxes make a great addition to every chook lovers life. It provides the chickens with their own special space to lay their eggs in private, and gives you peace of mind that the eggs are protected.
Our Nesting/Laying Boxes are strong and durable and won't get damaged easily. They are easy to clean and keep hygeniec. Fill the opening with a nice nesting material to help keep the eggs clean and protected until you can get there to collect them.
Our Nesting/Laying boxes are huge and can fit even the biggest of hen's in them comfortably!
There are 3 sizes for you to chose from
The Single
The Double or
The Triple
To purchase a Nesting / Laying Box Click Here

Single Nesting/ Laying Box
This perfect sized Single Nesting box is an australian made, easy to put together and sturdy design. Great for if you only have one or two chickens.

Double Nesting/Laying Box
This Double Nesting box is perfect if you have 2 or more chickens. Australian made from good quality materials, it is the perfect addition to your chicken coop.

Triple Nesting / Laying box
This Triple Nesting box is perfect if you have 2 or more chickens. Australian made from good quality materials, it is the perfect addition to your chicken coop.