Baby chickens and turkeys

Advanced Rural Chick Starter Crumble
Advanced Rural Chick Starter Crumble is a complete feed for growing chicks from day old up to 12 weeks of age intended for egg production.
This feed may also be used to grow meat chickens (broilers) from day old to market weight.
Contains monensin sodium at 100 mg/kg to aid in the prevention of coccidiosis caused by Eimeria species in birds.
Buy Advanced Rural Chick Starter Crumble Now

Barastoc Turkey and Meat Chicken Starter (Medicated)
Barastoc Turkey and Meat Chicken Starter Crumbles are suitable to be fed as a complete feed for growing turkeys from day old through to approximately 7 weeks of age. Turkey poults should have unlimited access (ad-lib).This feed is the first stage in a two stage feeding programme for growing turkeys. It is produced in a fine crumble form so that feed wastage is minimised, digestibility is improved and so that a consistent intake of nutrients essential for growth is achieved. This feed is formulated in accordance with current research into turkey nutrition and is mixed from a variety of quality raw materials.
Buy Barastoc Turkey and Meat Chicken Starter Now

Barastoc Turkey and Meat Chicken Grower (Medicated)
Barastoc Turkey and Meat Chicken Grower Pellets are suitable to be fed as a complete feed for growing turkeys from approximately 7 weeks of age through to slaughter weight. Turkey poults should have unlimited access (ad-lib).This feed is second stage in a two stage feeding program for growing turkeys. It is produced in a pellet form so that feed wastage is minimised, digestibility is improved and so that a consistent intake of nutrients essential for growth is achieved. This feed is formulated in accordance with current research into turkey nutrition and is mixed from a variety of quality raw materials.
Buy Barastoc Turkey and Meat Chicken Grower Now

Barastoc Pullet Grower
Complete feed for pullets from 8 to 14 weeks of age.Key Features:
* A complete and nutritionally balanced feed to support growth and health of young pullets.
* Suited to a wide range of layer-type breeds.
* Suited to chickens being reared to: lay eggs for the table, breed replacement pullets or be ornamental birds.
* Feed is pelletised and crumbled.
* Contains coccidiostat to aid in the prevention of caecal and intestinal coccidiosis.