Foals and yearlings

Mitavite Breeda®
holds pride of place as Australia's biggest selling and most trusted complete breeding feed. Breeda® has been scientifically formulated to promote optimum, balanced growth and to overcome the problems associated with raising young horses on less than perfect pasture. Critical to the success of Breeda® is the essential amino acid profile and the positive impact that this has on the development of lean muscle, strong tendons and smooth flat bone. This, coupled with the delivery of highly digestible energy, vitamins and minerals in a steam extruded, palatable nugget, assists in limiting peaks in blood sugars often associated with bone developmental problems.Buy Mitavite Breeda Now

Barastoc Breed N Grow
Ultimate full-feed pellet for broodmares, breeding stallions, weanlings and yearlingsDuring the last third of pregnancy, the mare must cater to a very rapidly growing foetus. The birth weight and strength of the new born foal is largely determined by the quality of the mares' nutrition at this critical stage.
Once born, the foal must receive the best quality nutrition from the mare's milk in order to sustain its growth and remain strong. And that's not forgetting the mare. She needs to maintain peak nutrition in order to produce her milk and remain in condition to support another pregnancy, which is often during the foal heat.
Barastoc Breed N Grow is the "cornerstone" feed for horse breeders. A highly palatable pellet formula, it is ideal for paddock feeding and has the advantage of no powders or waste. It contains high quality protein from soyabean meal plus added amino acids to support growth rates in young horses. There are also enhanced levels of macro and trace minerals to support bone growth and development and added silicon for improved bone density.
Buy Barastoc Breed N Grow Now

Hygain Tru Breed
HYGAIN TRU BREED® is an extruded feed designed to match the complex feeding management of stallions, pregnant and lactating mares and growing horses. HYGAIN TRU BREED® provides a balance of digestible energy, soluble fibre, quality protein and essential vitamins and minerals with controlled levels of starch (low GI) for optimum digestive health. High in essential amino acids, HYGAIN TRU BREED® promotes maximized milk quality and lactation duration, fertility and optimal growth and development of the musculoskeletal system.
A diet for healthy mares and happy foals.
Buy Hygain TruBreed Now

BioMare Cubes
A fully extruded feed with readily digested energy, high quality protein and essential vitamins and minerals that support optimum fertility, milk production and growth and development in a convenient and easy to feed cube.
Provides a balance of nutrients vital for optimum fertility, conception and milk production in broodmares, and sound growth and development of foals, weanlings and yearlings under all seasonal conditions. Provides highly digestible and available energy, quality protein, essential amino acids and balanced vitamins and minerals, including Bioplex? organic trace minerals to ensure optimum uptake and utilisation.
The digestible nature of this feed coupled with the high quality protein also makes it perfect for spelling horses that need to put on condition and rebuild muscles.
Buy BioMare Cubes Now