Shopify Worms in Chickens – Len's Feed Shed

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Worms in Chickens

The presence of parasitic worms such as Roundworm, Tapeworm, Hairworms and Caecal Worms. Worm infections usually occur after the wet periods during the warmer months.

Symptoms of Internal Parasites are as follows:

  • Poor Condition
  • Weakness
  • Weight Loss
  • Pale comb, wattle or mouth
  • Watery, smelly droppings

Prevention, management and Treatment:

  • Worms are an easily preventable problem in chickens with routine treatment.
  • Worming treatments should be given to the whole flock
  • Clean the coop thoroughly to remove worm eggs within infected droppings.
Poultry wormers can be found here.