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Maxisoy 20kg

Maxisoy 20kg

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Maxisoy+ Low GI Super Fibre Pellets are the ideal choice of feed for all horses.
High in Soluble Fibre
Slow Release Energy
Low GI (sugar + starch <5%)
Cereal Grain Free
Rapidly Hydrates
Quality Protein
Non Heating
There are two major reasons for feeding Maxisoy+ Low GI Super Fibre Pellets
1. As a fibre source, they are often available at a lower cost then chaff and beetpulp
2. They are a 'safe' and 'cool' form of energy, making them a suitable feed for resting horses, horses in work, 'good doers' and horses prone to metabolic conditions such as laminitis, insulin resistance, tying up and cushings disease.
"Super" Fibre
The 'super' fibre found in Maxisoy+ offers superior digestibility over other forage fibre sources (75% digestible fibre) compared with most fibre sources such as hay and chaff (40-50% digestible fibre) These highly digestible fibres are known as 'super' fibres.
'Super' fibres like Maxisoy+ are readily fermented in the hindgut, producing volatile fatty acids which in turn provide a steady stream of slow release energy.
Quality Protein
A horse needs a daily intake of protein to maintain, grow and repair tissues. Unlike energy, protein is not stored in the body and must be provided in the diet on a daily basis. Improving the protein quality of the ration will assist in improving muscle development in growing, working and aged horses and milk production in lactating mares. Soybeans are widely recognised as the best quality vegetable protein source available due to the balance of essential (limiting) amino acids such as lysine.
Maxisoy+ has a estimated protein content of 14% on a DM basis with an estimated lysine content of over 10g/kg (DM)
Low GI (less then 5% sugar + starch)
Research has shown that the feeding of 'High GI' starch and sugar rich feeds to be directly linked to formation of conditions such as cushings disease, laminitis, tying up, PSSM, obesity, insulin resistance, equine metabolic syndrome and behavioural problems.
Maxisoy+ provides dietary energy through fermentation of fibre in the digestive system and thus avoids insulin spikes and associated problems caused by the feeding of high GI feeds. By both glycemic index and laboratory carbohydrate analysis Maxisoy+ is extremely safe for insulin resistant horses.