Zaps ticks, fleas and other nasties before they bite dogs. Designed exclusively for dogs, Advantix is the only spot-on that kills and repels deadly ticks before they have a chance to bite and attach to your dog. Plus, it protects against fleas and irritating, flying biting insects. Why choose Advantix? • Advantix repels and kills paralysis ticks A single adult Paralysis tick can paralyse and even kill your dog. Advantix repels and kills these deadly parasites. (For Paralysis Tick control Advantix for Dogs must be applied every 2 weeks). • Advantix repels and kills Brown Dog ticks and Bush ticks These ticks can infest in large numbers, becoming unsightly and difficult to rid for dog owners and irritating for dogs. • Advantix kills fleas fast Stops fleas feeding within 3-5 minutes (1) and kills fleas within 20 minutes of contact, all without the need for fleas to bite first. Goodbye, Flea Allergy Dermatitis (FAD). • Advantix repels and kills mosquitoes and sandflies Like their owners dogs can also suffer from mosquito and sand fly bites causing intense itching and scratching. Mosquitoes also have the potential to spread heartworm, infecting dogs as they feed. Speak to your vet about preventing heartworm disease. • Advantix repels and kills stable flies Stable flies leave painful bites, often drawing blood as they feed most notably around dogs ears. • Lasts all month and is easy to use Simply apply the dose to the back of your dog between the shoulder blades (see directions for use for dogs over 25 kg). From there it spreads across the skin and through the coat, where it is effective for 1 month. For Paralysis Tick control Advantix for Dogs must be applied every 2 weeks.