Shopify Advanced Premium Layer Crumble 25kg – Len's Feed Shed

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Advanced Premium Layer Crumble 25kg

Advanced Premium Layer Crumble 25kg

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Advanced Premium Layer Crumble is a high analysis, complete feed specifically designed for laying hens. This feed can also be fed as a supplement to all types of laying birds that have a high calcium requirement. So why did we call it Premium. Well it really doesn’t get any better than this. We have added all the bells and whistles to make this product as good as it gets for chickens laying eggs. The modern laying hen is an egg laying machine, capable of laying over 300 eggs per year. This feed is formulated to supply all the nutrients required by high performance birds in peak production. Advanced Premium Layer Crumble is designed to maximise egg production, egg size, yolk colour and shell quality. Made to a commercial nutrient specification, this feed also contains poultry specific prebiotics and probiotics (think yoghurt for chooks), to help maintain the birds digestive health and maintain a healthy immune system, as healthy hens lay healthy eggs. We have even added a natural product to reduce the odour from the chicken manure. If you measure how much feed a hen eats per day, you will find they eat less of a high analysis feed. Feeding a high analysis feed should reduce the cost per dozen eggs produced by maximising egg production and reducing feed intake. Advanced Premium Layer Crumbles are heat treated in a process that cooks the starch, changing the structure in a process called Gelatinisation, to make the feed highly digestible.