Deluxe Chook Pen Pack includes
1x Deluxe colourbond Chicken Coop 1.8m H x 1.5m W x 1.5m D
1x Double Nesting Box
4 x Point of Lay Pullets
1x 5kg Feeder
1x 6.5L Waterer
1x 25kg Tropical Course Laying Mash
1x Briefcase Bale Wood Shavings
Total amount of $1078.30
You pay only $917.00
That is a total SAVING of $161.30
Bond White Layer- A pure white small-framed crossbred. Excellent liveability and high feed efficiency egg production.Eggs white to off white in shell colour. Breed: Leghorn Cockeral over Rhode Island White Hen
Bond Brown Layer: A variegated brown crossbred layer. Highly productive laying large brown shelled eggs. Excellent liveability during both rearing and lay. Good docile temperament and easily managed. Good feed conversion resulting in efficient egg production. Breed: Rhode Island Red Cockeral over Rhode Island White Hen
Bond Black Layer- This easy care bird produces light brown shelled eggs and performs well under variable conditions. Breed: Rhode Island Red Cockeral over Australorpe Hen