Shopify Its Worming Time...for your pets:) – Len's Feed Shed

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Its Worming Time...for your pets:)

It's Worming Time!

We have had so many emails and calls asking

how often you should worm your animals?

So we have put together a quick guide for each animal:

When should I worm my...

PUPPY – 2, 4,8,12 weeks then to Adult Dog

DOG -    Heartworm Monthly
                Intestinal 3 monthly

KITTEN – 6, 8,12 weeks then to adult cat

CAT – 3 Monthly

CHICKENS – 3 Monthly

PIGS – 2 Monthly

FOALS – 6weeks, 6months, 9month, 12months then to adult

HORSES – Every 6-12 weeks

LAMBS – 8 weeks old then every 4-8 weeks till a year

SHEEP – 3 monthly and 4 weeks before lambing

KIDS – 8 weeks old then every 4-8 weeks till a year

GOATS – 6/8 times a year, 4 weekly in summer, 4weeks before kidding

COWS – 6 monthly

GUINEA PIGS – 3 monthly

Different products may vary, so always ask the experts (us) and always follow the instructions.

And now is a great time to worm your pets!

Wormers for Dogs

10kg $4

25kg  $5.50

Chooks & Pigs from $18.70

Horses from $17.10

Cattle from $66.70

Cats $10

 Worming time for pets